Eden Place hosted our 14th Annual Earth Day Celebration on Friday, April 25th. More than 150 students and teachers from local Hendricks Academy and Graham Elementary Schools as well as a group from TJ's Heavenly Angels Daycare Center joined us for activities such as Weeding a Garden Bed (right) with CZS volunteer Dave Becker, Predator/Prey Games with Shelly Hope, Make a Bird Feeder with CZS/Brookfield Zoo, Dance Contest with Mz. Bee and Bird Nest Investigations with Chicago Region Audubon and Wild Indigo. And of course no day at an Eden Place festival would be complete without a round in the Bounce House!
Urban Resolutions Bridging African Americans to Natural Environments The third annual URBAANE conference, hosted by FPCD and Chicago State University, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 17, 2014.
This year's theme is: Appreciating and Preserving the Great Outdoors: Preparing the Next Generation of Environmental Leaders. URBAANE 2014 will be structured as a Green Youth Summit for young people involved in the green movement and the adults who work with them. Are you a teacher, pastor, youth leader, or supervisor of young people that you believe need to be at this conference? Contact Kellen or visit the URBAANE website to learn more and to register. A maximum of five students are allowed per organization and space is limited. Contact us for more information about the conference or to volunteer. |